Friday, December 4, 2015

American Exports of machines, consumer goods and food soar

The  U.S.Commerce Department reports   show  that U.S. exports of most major product categories were up from the previous months, including consumer goods (notably diamonds and jewelry), capital equipment and machines, and staple  food  products  as corn and soybeans.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Boost in US exports neccessary to support economic growth

President Obama made it clear in his State of the Union address that American exports will play a part in America’s economic success. This requires creating free access for American goods to more markets, enforcing trade laws, and ensuring a level playing field in which American companies can compete.
These initiatives have and will continue to support business and create jobs. Over the last 35 months, they’ve already contributed to the creation of 6.1 million private-sector jobs. We at the International Trade Administration are proud to be a part of that success and we know that continuing these initiatives will lead to further economic growth.
The President specifically mentioned completing the Trans-Pacific Partnership and entering into a trade agreement with the European Union. Trade agreements like these proved effective in 2012, when we set a new record for U.S. exports. Recently released data show that almost half of the growth in U.S. exports in 2012 was to countries with which we have similar agreements. In fact, U.S. exports to the 20 countries with which we have trade agreements comprised almost half of American goods exports in 2012.
We achieved record levels of exports to 11 of our trade agreement partners in 2012. Five of them – Australia, Canada, Chile, Mexico and Peru – will all be a part of the TPP and accounted for more than $550 billion in U.S. exports. Completing this partnership will further develop our trade with these countries and help our exports continue to grow.
President Obama also mentioned the importance of enforcing trade regulations and ensuring a level playing field in which American exporters can compete. We accomplish this mission every day at ITA, and we are proud to help American exporters compete as a lead member of the President’s Interagency Trade Enforcement Center.
The President has set a clear path to use export growth to help grow the American economy. We at the International Trade Administration are ready to do what it takes to continue to support President Obama’s mission and help support a thriving American economy.

Monday, October 5, 2015

USA shipped over $1.65 Trillion worth of goods in 2014

 United.States .is the 2nd largest exporter in the world now.American exports have increased  exponentially over a decade and have more than doubled since 2009.AOver the next decade, exportts growth rate will increase.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Military exports on the rise

 america has been increasingly exporting military goodsOne interesting aspect of U.S. trade is the export of military goods.  Exports have increased over the last decade from $8.3 billion in 2002 to a peak value of $18.8 billion in 2012. Note that this does not include shipments to the U.S. military overseas. Most U.S. exports of military goods went to Asia, primarily Japan and South Korea.

 During 2012, about65 per cent of American exports of military goods constituted of military aircraft—fighter jets, helicopters, engines, launching gear, and surprisingly aircraft parts. In fact, at 35% of all U.S. military exports in 2012, the export value for military aircraft parts exceeded the export value for  complete aircraft.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Exports of goods and services go up and imports go down in 2014

The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services decreased to $39.0 billion in November from $42.2 billion in October (revised), as imports decreased more than exports

Friday, January 30, 2015

The macro picture for US Exports in 2013/ 2014

  According to the US department of commerce, the United States'   top US exports  in 2013 &  2014  so far were general-purpose   machinery,  electrical machinery , aircraft , medical instruments and agricultural products  and the top 3 countries to which USA exported to were Canada, Mexico and China.