Monday, February 18, 2013

US Exports growth: Should America access world markets ?

 Yes ofcourse is the oversimplified  answer. With  Strategic Export Planning and  professional International Marketing & Sales effort , many businesses have extensive opportunities to  increase revenues and profitability through exports.

Reasons why:

A. Two-thirds of the world's purchasing power is outside the USA. More and more  American businesses  realize that exports will help to increase their revenues and profitability.

B.  Many Americans goods and services   cater to  precise,  specialised applications, which other overseas mass-manufacturers cannot cater to.. So by highlighting their strengths/unique selling propositions, American businesses can always stay ahead..  However making some product modifications to meet specific needs  may be necessary.

C. USA has been the leading country   for manufacturing  specialized chemicals, pharmaceuticals, state-of-the-art electronic components and equipment and there will be continuing demand for all of  these worldwide.

D.  USA will continue to lead in intellectual property applications. These when rightfully transformed into exports through selling copyrights and worldwide franchising. The Fed and Corporations have topolice/prevent piracy  and copyright infringements.

E.America has been the leading manufacturer for aircraft& pacecraft technology for long and the present levels of $88billion exports should further continue to grow by 5 to 10%

F. Liquified Natural Gas:-  Of late there is huge potential for exporting liquified natural gas from USA, which  has been long dependent on importing fossil-fuels from overseas- and  this itself is  a remarkable turn-around for USA GetconnectedonLinkedin

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